Category: IELTS Writing Sample

A lot of old people are suffering from loneliness these days. They also lack physical fitness. What do you think are the reasons for this problem? Can you think of possible solution?

It is irrefutable that a vast majority of senior members of society is compelled to lead a colorless and boring life along with poor health. There are some apparent reasons responsible for their degraded condition. The aim of this essay is to present these reasons along with some practical solutions to improve the situation of […]

As transport and accommodation problems are increasing in many large cities, some governments are encouraging business to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? (9 April evening slot IELTS Task 2)

No doubt, most mega cities of the world are growing unprecedentedly but this growth brings some serious challenges for cities in terms of increased traffic and demand ofaccommodation. Hence state encourage businesses to re-establish out of cities. I personally believe this approach has more benefits than drawbacks. This essay will examine both the aspects indetail. […]

Education of young people is highly prioritized in many countries. However, educating adults who cannot write or read is even more important and governments should spend more money on this. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 26 March, 2022 Morning

No doubt, provision of quality education is a need of the time and higher authorities always remain concerned about the same. However, the education of grown-ups’ is generally a neglected domain. In my personal opinion, necessary actions must be taken to facilitate the learning of adults and the arguments supporting my view point shall be […]

Evening slot writing task 1, 12th march 2022, India

The provided bar graph reveals the variation in the interest of British towards different sports activities as per the three surveys conducted in the years 1995,2000 and 2005. Overall, though there was not any significant change in the participation in most sports activities yet the ranking certainly changed. Moving to details, it is apparent from […]

Some people believe that to reduce amount of time people spend commuting, parks and gardens close to city centres should be replaced by apartment buildings for commuters to live in. However, others disagree with this. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is a topic of debate for a while as a set of people put forward the idea of replacing the open areas with high-rise residential buildings to cut the travel time of city commuters, while others oppose this idea. I too firmly withstand the latter viewpoint. The aim of this essay is to discuss […]

Soon technology would replace teachers in the classroom. How far you agree or disagree?(IELTS essay/ Task 2)

No doubt, technology has completely revolutionised each and every domain of life and education is not only an exception. Therefore, it is often believed, teachers would be replaced by technology in the classroom in near future. I agree to the given notion to some extent and this essay intends to discuss the arguments for and […]

Some people think that scientists should try to contact aliens in outer space while others think it would be a dangerous thing to do. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (IELTS essay/Task 2)

Human’s curiosity to explore the outer world is at its peak at present and a set of people consider it is worthwhile to try to communicate with alien civilisations. However, there are those who believe it would put the life of this planet is at risk. I personally support the former opinion and the aim […]

The key to solving the environmental problems is for the present generation to sacrifice their convenient lifestyle for the sake of future generations. Do you Agree or disagree? (IELTS Essay| Task 2)

No doubt, there has been an unprecedented growth in the environmental concerns over the past few decades and it is often put forward that the ideal way to deal with these is to give up the comfortable lifestyle in order to shape a better world for the generations to come. I completely agree to this […]

Writing task 1 feb 12 early tool

The diagrams below illustrate early tools from 1.4 million years ago and 800,000 years ago. Summaries the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. The provided diagrams reveal the evolution of stone tools from its primitive stage around 1.4 million years ago to its more refined version crafted almost […]

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